Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances. 人们正密切关注降低个人收入免税额度一事。
Taxpayer: I overpaid the personal income tax last month. 纳税人:我上月的税款多缴了。
Also, personal tax rates vary for consultants when they work in countries other than the ones where they usually pay income taxes. 此外,在不同国家工作的咨询人员应付的个人税率是不一样的,有些国家通常会要求缴纳所得税。
I also have a personal tax allowance that I can apply to my gross income. 我也可以把个人免税额申请到我的总收入中去。
Salaries on the mainland are still much less than international equivalents and personal tax rates are too high – especially compared with Hong Kong, she says. 杨婕表示:内地的薪资仍远低于国际水平,个人所得税率太高,特别是与香港相比。
In other words, the new breed of super-rich paid no personal tax. 换句话说,这种新一代超级富豪无需缴纳个人税收。
The Application Exploration of Motivation Co-movement between Pension and Personal Tax from the View of High Saving Rate 高储蓄率下养老金与个税缴纳激励联动的应用探索
Rates of income tax will come down; personal tax exemptions will remain ( no need to widen the tax base); and taxes on capital gains, dividends and interest will be abolished altogether. 所得税税率将会下调;个人税收豁免将会继续(无需扩大税基);资本利得、股息与利息税将被集体废除。
Income tax can be divided into personal incone tax and corporation income tax. 所得税可分为个人所得税和公司所得税。
Owner ( partners) reports profit or loss on his or her personal tax returns. 所有者(伙伴)的利润或损失的报告,他或她的个人报税表。
This would be the case independent of the personal tax treatment of interest income, again because of the separation of the savings and investment side of the capital market. 这将是此案的独立的个人的税务处理的利息收益,又因为分离的储蓄和投资方面的资本市场。
Owners report their share of corporate profit or loss on their personal tax returns. 车主报告其个人报税表他们对公司利润或亏损。
In April, they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 top-range cars a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s, restaurants, car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number. 今年4月,他们将开始每周抽奖,每年将送出60辆顶级汽车,以奖励那些履行公民义务向咖啡厅、餐厅、汽车维修车厂等企业索要含有其个人税收号码的发票的消费者。
Personal tax rates have come down from the absurd levels of the 1970s. London is a stimulating place, with a rich cultural life. 个人所得税率已从20世纪70年代的荒谬水平降了下来。伦敦是一个激动人心的地方,有丰富的文化生活。
A personal tax levied on annual income. 个人因其年收入缴纳的税款项目。
Personal income tax is an important tax in the Chinese taxation system. 摘要个人所得税是我国税收中的重要税种。
While previous efforts at fiscal stimulus had focused largely on infrastructure, the new package also aimed to boost consumption through health and other rural spending, although the authorities had so far shied away from personal tax cuts. 早先的财政刺激方案主要集中在基础设施上,而新的刺激方案还旨在通过医疗保健和其他农村支出来拉动消费,不过到目前为止,政府一直回避削减个人所得税的做法。
This paper provides a micro-simulation model to analyze distribution effects of personal income tax system in China. 本文提供了一个微观模拟模型,用于分析我国个人所得税制度的收入分配效应。
Higher taxes including returning to Clinton-era personal tax rates for some will have to be part of the solution. 提高税收包括一定程度上回归克林顿(clinton)时代的个人所得税率将必须成为解决方案的一部分。
There are no personal tax cuts to whip up private consumption, although the government is giving tax breaks to companies that upgrade their technology. 虽然政府为投入技术升级的企业提供税收优惠,但该计划并不涉及个税下调措施以提振个人消费。
The US personal tax affects many economic decisions, including labor supply, saving, residential housing consumption, and portfolio choice. 美国个人所得税影响许多经济决策,包括劳动供给,储蓄,住宅消费以及资产组合选择。
The sole proprietor reports items of income and expense of the business on his personal tax return. 独资企业的投资人在其个人纳税申报表中申报企业收支项目。
For example, the survey suggested corporate and personal tax regimes were likely to be of greater concern to the financial sector over the next three years, although most were finding ways to cope at the moment. 例如,该调查表示,未来三年,企业与个人税收制度很可能成为金融业更大的担忧,尽管多数都在寻找应对办法。
Later on, it was revised on the consideration of corporate tax and personal income tax. 后来,又在考虑了公司税和个人所得税的基础上进行了修正。
The personal tax law has brought into effect for ten years from 1994 to now, but it has appeared some limitations from taxpayer partition, scope of taxation, tax ration, calculation of income tax, taxing period and tax deration etc. 现有个人所得税自1994年实施至今已有10个年头,在纳税人的划分、课税范围、税率、应纳税所得额的计算、计税时期及税收减免方面暴露诸多缺陷。
So, a tax model of family tax along with personal tax should be chosen in seeking for the maximization goal of fairness and efficiency from the fact of our country. 我国必须从实际出发,在追求公平与效率的最大化目标中选择家庭课税与个人申报纳税并存的纳税单位模式。
The fourth section analyzes the ESO pricing model considered the personal tax rate. 第四节研究考虑个人所得税时的经理股票期权定价。
Chapter four is to compare the taxation system of life insurance in developed countries and regions. A number of representative countries and regions were chosen to be comparative analysis systematically and comprehensively, in accordance with the tax system analysis of insurance companies and personal tax systems. 第四章是海外寿险税收制度及启示,按照寿险公司的税收制度和个人税收制度两个层面,对海外具有代表意义的一些国家和地区的寿险税收制度进行比较分析和经验借鉴。
Therefore, this article try to research personal tax from the perspective of people livelihood financial, try to solve the unfairness income distribution problem and lighten the personal tax burden. 因此,本文从民生财政的视角来研究个人所得税,力求通过个人所得税的二次分配效应,减少个人所得税对公民的税收负担,缩小公民收入的差距。